Anyone with even a passing interest in contemporary North American music in its myriad forms - from acoustic guitar wielding folksy troubadours to lavish preppy pop or raging, bile-spraying punk - should have a look at the amazing Daytrotter Sessions website. The premise is simple - invite band to studio, record few tracks, put them on web for general consumption. The genius of the site is in its subtleties - the quirky illustrations of each band, the tangential musings of the narrator and the features. Even Pitchfork will be quaking in their boots at the labyrinthine prospect of a writer documenting a WHOLE WEEK of listening to an album, day by day. The sessions are extensive, as a new one is updated pretty much every day. So here is a quick run-down of some recent highlights:
Princeton Ivy League indie band with an ear for a pop hook, cue 'This Year's Vampire Weekend' heraldings.
The Acorn Last seen supporting Fleet Foxes on a series of sold-out dates across Europe, these fellow Bella Union signings have a similarly captivating style, particularly on the amazing 'Hold Your Breath'.
Cold War Kids Big news in 2007, have they succumbed to the sophomore slump? Not on the evidence of the excellent 'Something Is Not Right With Me'.
The site is excellent for discovering new bands, but also great for getting free exlusives by more established acts such as Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, The National, Two Gallants, The Ting Tings(?) and Vampire Weekend (also known as 'Last Year's Vampire Weekend And This Year's As Well').